KAYÜ Anasayfa


The Psychological Counseling Unit is a unit that provides psychological counseling and guidance services to Kayseri University students, aiming to help their individual, social and academic development. It also provides students with the necessary skills to facilitate their adaptation to university and dormitory life and to cope with problems that may arise.

Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of the Psychological Counseling and Guidance Unit

- To make introductory activities for new students about the university, rules and the immediate environment and to ensure the orientation of the student to the environment and the university,

- To cooperate with relevant institutions to identify the problems experienced by students, to develop and implement solutions,

- To help students who want to change departments or programs to recognize their interests and abilities and to help them make the right choices,

- Providing students with information about the professions they may have in the future and informing them about job opportunities in the neighborhood,

- To provide individual or group psychological counseling according to the needs and wishes of the students.

- To help students make important decisions, get to know themselves better and establish more effective relationships with the people around them,

- To fulfill the necessary psychological counseling and guidance services regarding the students referred to the unit,

- To ensure that the student is directed to the relevant institutions and organizations when deemed necessary at the end of the psychological counseling and guidance activities carried out in the unit,

- To ensure that students are aware of the development opportunities within and around the university in order to support their individual development and to organize various meetings, seminars, etc. in this regard.


In counseling services, the process is carried out within the framework of the principles of confidentiality, trust, volunteerism, equal relationship and acceptance.

Interview Appointment

Counseling services are provided by appointment system and it will be enough to call us from the contact information. Consulting services are completely free of charge.

Contact Us

Kayseri University Rectorate Department of Health, Culture and Sports

Central Campus Dining Hall

Extension: 10856

E-mail: sksd@kayseri.edu.tr