KAYÜ Anasayfa

Our branch purchases the goods and services (consumables, fixtures, equipment, investment, meeting maintenance and repair demands, etc.) needed by all affiliated units and service units operating within the Department of Health, Culture and Sports, and prepares accrual documents, and works to meet the demands within the scope of periodic and variable situation plans by working in an organized manner with the Warehouse (Movable Control Registration Unit) and affiliated sub-stores within the purchasing and accrual branch directorate.

Our branch determines the purchasing needs of the units affiliated to our department, and all documents and documents required by law for the requests submitted to the purchasing service are prepared by planning the available allowances. According to the type of purchase, approximate cost, tender approval document, market price research, tender, specification and contract preparations, goods inspection acceptance, service inspection acceptance, payment order and transactions end.

Accrual transactions of students and staff; domestic and international temporary travel and advances, budget preparations and compulsory internship of our University students, salaries of part-time students and social security institution insurance entry and exit transactions are carried out.

Accounting services such as accounting records and transactions, collection of revenues and receivables, payment of expenses to their rightful owners, escrow transactions, recording and reporting of other financial transactions are carried out under the responsibility of the accounting officer. During the payment of expenditures, the payment order document and annexed documents were checked within the framework of the authority specified in Article 61 of Law No. 5018 and within the legal period. Payments were made according to cash availability, priority in payment and the order of entry into accounting records.

Authority, Duties and Responsibility:

  • To ensure that the necessary documents are prepared and payments are made for the purchase of goods and materials needed by the Presidency and affiliated units,
  • To ensure that records are kept regarding the payment status, appropriations and realization of all procurement works under his/her responsibility,
  • Controlling the appropriations, preventing over-appropriation expenditures,
  • To make additional appropriation and appropriation transfer transactions,
  • To prepare the self-generation budget and ensure its effective and efficient implementation,
  • Taking measures to increase income and reduce expenditures,
  • To prepare the Unit Strategic Plan and Unit Annual Report,
  • Within the scope of the Movable Property Regulation, to audit the movables, movable warehouses and Movable Registration Authorities and to submit the Expenditure Unit Management Account to the relevant authorities,
  • To ensure that all kinds of payments are made on time in accordance with the laws and regulations,
  • Ensuring that expenditures are in line with the items in the budget,
  • All purchases of goods and services, within the framework of the appropriations released according to the Fiscal Year Budget Law published every year, in accordance with Article 22/d of Law No. 4734, the preparation of the accrual documents of the invoices of the goods and services realized by direct procurement method,
  • Recording the accrued documents, submitting the documents to the Strategy Development Department for payment and following up the payments.