KAYÜ Anasayfa

In our unit, the following services are carried out in order to protect and improve the physical health of students and employees, to give them the habit of working with discipline, to make them interested in sports, to direct their energies in this positive direction, to work in the sports branch they are interested in to make use of their free time.

The facilities of modern technology are utilized to ensure that sports activities are carried out in professional, safe and hygienic environments under the supervision of trainers. Efforts are made to ensure that sports become a part of daily life style and to provide better quality service day by day.

It is aimed to carry out sports activities for the students and academic-administrative staff of our university, to enable them to improve themselves in social areas and to increase their motivation.

Authority, Duties and Responsibility:

  • Organizing group activities and competitions, establishing sports associations,
  • To ensure that the deficiencies in the functioning of the facilities are identified and eliminated in cooperation with the sports facility supervisors,
  • To organize sports organizations in different branches for students and staff within the university, (to meet the needs of materials, referees, fields, official correspondence, etc. needed for these organizations),
  • Sending delegations to domestic and international inter-university organizations (correspondence, travel expenses, meeting the material and vehicle needs of these delegations),
  • To make and follow up all correspondence related to sports within and outside the unit,
  • To organize the usage programs of the sports facilities within the university in line with the demands,
  • To ensure that all sports, facilities and materials of universities are used from a single source, that the staff work in a planned manner and are managed from a center,